Transform Your Space, Transform Your Life:

Experience the Power of Perfect Colors, Personally Curated Just for You!

Your Painting Project, Expertly Managed

From initial consultation to final inspection, we'll guide you through a seamless painting experience. Here's what you can expect:

  • Personalized consultation to understand your vision and goals

  • Customized project plan and timeline

  • Protection of furniture, floors, and surrounding areas

  • Expert preparation, painting, and cleanup

  • Final inspection to ensure your satisfaction

  • Warranty and guarantee for peace of mind

Trust us to deliver a beautifully painted space, on time and within your budget. Projects are priced on a case by case basis. After we connect to discuss the scope of your project, you will be given a detailed price structure. Let's get started!

Introducing Gary Baillie

Gary Baillie, originally from Glasgow, Scotland, moved to the United States in 1997, bringing his distinctive Scottish accent and exceptional artistic talent. Now based in the Tampa Bay area, Gary transforms spaces with his stunning murals in restaurants, museums, offices, and commercial buildings.

With over 25 years of hands-on experience, Gary masterfully blends old-world painting techniques with modern finishes. His expertise in faux finishes allows him to mimic marble, wood grain, plaster, and more, delivering custom-designed projects that enhance the décor of homes, offices, and retail spaces.

Gary's work is featured in prominent locations such as Bon Appetit Restaurant, Lucky Lobster Restaurant, Clear Sky Draught Haus, The Collection on Palmetto Museum, and numerous private homes throughout Tampa Bay. His dedication to customer satisfaction and artistic excellence ensures that each project is a masterpiece.

Whether you need a unique mural or a sophisticated faux finish, Gary Baillie brings your vision to life with unparalleled skill and creativity.

Expert Painting Services & Color Consultation: Elevate Your Space with the Perfect Hues

Discover the joy of finding the perfect colors for your home or office with our personalized Color Consultation and expert painting services. Our expert guidance will help you:

  • Explore your personal style and preferences

  • Select harmonious colors that enhance your space

  • Create a cohesive look that reflects your unique taste

Enjoy a pleasurable and personalized experience, including:

  • A comprehensive color analysis

  • A customized color palette tailored to your needs

  • Expert advice on color placement and pairing

Book your Color Consultation today and experience the delight of a beautifully colored environment!

Faux Painting Mastery: ElevateYour Walls with Authentic Style

With our expertise in faux painting, we can transport you to a world of elegance and sophistication. From rustic textures to luxurious finishes, we can match any style or technique to bring your vision to life.

  • Authentic reproductions of marble, stone, and wood

  • Customized textures and finishes to suit your taste

  • Seamless blending of colors and patterns

What customers say about Gary's artwork:

I just contacted Gary again for another artistic adventure!

Gary, with his Scottish charm, was a pleasure to work with. He is very good at offering ideas outside the box and executing them. Thus, he is truly “an artist.” All his work met and, as usual, exceeded my expectations. I just contacted Gary again for another artistic adventure for a repeat customer!

— John Wm. Barger

He not only creates art, he transforms spaces

Gary is a fabulous designer and installer of stunning artistic work. He brings old-world creativity and modern day intelligence to create pieces of art. At my Dunedin home, Gary gave a wood grain look to my metal garage door and front door, faux painted the front of the house, built a trellis with gardenias, and created a garden with our beautiful plants. While homes in my neighborhood had sold for $190k, I sold my now charming home for $220k in just 2 weeks! I highly recommend Gary Baillie where a reliable, smart, and warm artist is wanted. He not only creates art, he transforms spaces.

— Dr. James Lani

No design is out of his range

Having Gary as my go-to artist for projects when I need a hand, when I need an expert to restore a custom plaster finish, paint a complicated gradient ombre wall or hand letter a clients name and logo on a building fascia — he is there, with the tools, the talent and peaceful energy to handle any job with creativity and clean workmanship. No design is out of his range. Solid.

— Andrea Pawlisz

...a visually impactful piece which helps us to tell the story of our museum...

I have had the pleasure of working with Gary Baillie as he completed a large mural project at our museum. Gary has helped bring to realization our founder's vision in a larger-than-life-way, as murals do. Gary has gone above and beyond to learn more about an unfamiliar subject, researching and collaborating extensively. The results speak for themselves; the mural is a visually impactful piece which helps us to tell the story of our museum to visitors young and old. I appreciate and recommend Gary Baillie for his artistic talent, determination, and willingness to be a part of a team.

— Laura Giner

The Collection on Palmetto

What a pleasure to work with!

Gary was such a pleasure to work with. No project is too challenging for this talented, creative and knowledgeable artist. What a pleasure to work with! Thank you Gary! His techniques and creative art will be enjoyed for his clients for years to come.

— Sparky Ierna

Interior Designer

He instantly transformed the space into an Italian villa

Look no further than Gary Baillie for superb high-end wall finishes and painting. I hired someone to do a high-end Venetian plaster finish and they absolutely did NOT know what they were doing. Along came Gary (highly recommended by a friend). He not only came to the rescue and worked extra hours to keep the project on schedule, but his work product was exceptional!! He instantly transformed the space into an Italian villa. He is truly an artist!

— Julie Anderson

She Builds

Baillie Creative | Established 2001

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